My Services

YouTube Scripts

Are you a content creator finding it hard to keep up with the workflow? I get it. I mean, you’re brainstorming, writing a script, filming, editing a video, publishing it, and keeping up to date on your socials and trying to get out a video every single week? That’s just not sustainable for one person - and that’s the secret to a lot of the biggest channels. Even though you might see just one person on camera, a lot of the time there’s a whole team of people behind them.

I should know. I’m the Managing Editor for Ohara, a channel that produces videos filled with fan theories, lore explorations, and story analysis about beloved anime and manga properties like One Piece. Since the time I joined the channel as a script writer, our channel size has exploded, reaching over one million subscribers. Our team has expanded, employing more writers, editors, and artists and we’ve even launched our second channel, Tanuki Tales. Several videos I’ve personally scripted gained millions of views, and I want to use the skills I’ve learned about crafting a great YouTube script to help you grow your content.

Let me use my expertise to help you take your YouTube Channel or blog to the next level. Not only can I write high quality scripts that can help boost your views, clicks, and engagement - I’m also available for consultation so that we can develop a strategy that will make your content successful.

Educational Content

Do you need your students or employees to learn the skills they need to know without them falling asleep? As a teacher for ten years, I’ve helped hundreds of young adults unleash their creativity. Even though I’m out of the classroom right now, I’ll always be an educator first and foremost. As an experienced language arts educator, I design expertly crafted curricular materials and instructional content.

How do you know? Well, I’m the Middle School Chair for the Indiana Council for Teachers of English - Indiana’s NCTE affiliate. I’m also a Teacher-Consultant for the Indiana Writing Project. With both of these organizations, I support teachers by connecting them with fantastic resources and delivering high-quality professional development. I was also a member of ISTA’s 2022-2024 Emerging Leaders Cohort and a member of the University of Illinois’s Transatlantic Educators Dialogue in 2023.

I write on education and am an avid pedagogy nerd. I can write blog posts and articles on educational topics, as well as work as an instructional designer or curriculum writer. Here’s a piece I recently published on Chalkbeat about teaching and mental health.


Are you trying to get those ideas swirling around your brain onto the page? Or maybe you’ve written them down…and re-written them…and re-written them…and something’s just not working? Well, I can help.

As a teacher of writing, I’ve helped hundreds of students through the writing process. With my developmental editing services, I can help you refine your story to make it one that readers, agents, and publishers alike will go crazy for. 

What about myself? Well, I’ve written short stories, poems, songs, and plays. Most recently, I’ve produced my first original play Pompeii & Circumstance as part of the 2023 IndyFringe Festival with Clerical Error Productions. Before that I composed music and lyrics for Father Ned in Space: The Musical as part of the 2021 IndyFringe Festival. So, whether you’ve got a novel in the works, a screen play, a stage play, or even an album of songs - I’d love to work with you to make it the best it can be, so drop me a line.

What are you working on? Tell me a bit about your project and let’s work together to make it happen.